Sunday, March 7, 2010

Potluck feast

On the occasion of farewell to a friend who is going to leave for good to Australia, we have decided to organise a potluck/cook-together.

My task was to cook spinach... and I just browsed through one of the many recipes that I can search from the internet, and came up with this:

1kg (roughly) of spinach, leaves plucked and stalks de-fibered.
1/2 salted egg coarsely chopped
1 century egg sliced to quarters
100g of anchovies (ikan bilis)
a fist of 'kei chi' (cantonese)... chinese wolfberry
3 cloves garlic
sugar and soy sauce
roughly 3 cups chicken stock (although I conveniently used pork stock, that my friend had to pre-cook his pork meat for the use of curry pork)

Sauteed the anchovies and garlic until golden, before pouring in my pork-stock. Left it to boil for about 5 minutes to get the flavor of the anchovies out and also to reduce the huge amounts of water.

Then, threw in the cleaned and peeled spinach. Left it to cook for about 3 minutes before adding salted egg and century to cook it a little more. Lastly, 'kei chi' was added to add color to the dish, and seasoned with sugar and soy sauce... QED.

Then, laid back, and wait for my other friends to finish up with other dishes... It was a gastronomical delight for 8 of us!

Thai coconut milk chicken stew

Plain blanched lettuce Salted fish and pork stir fried

Curry porkStir fried chicken breast with mushrooms

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