Friday, March 12, 2010

I felt dizzy...

I felt dizzy with the thought of being trapped in an invisible sphere. Feeling my way around, looking for a way out, but yet in futile attempt. Carefully prodding, fearing the burst of the bubble that might cascadingly burst other beautifully shaped bubbles. The constant noise buzzing around my ears was distracting me from feeling my way through this sea of foaming bubbles.

I felt dizzy with the coldness of crystal in my hands. Little droplets of condensations moisted my hands giving a sense of momentary relieve from the sweltering humid heat. The smoothness of the pear shaped glass was quickly felt, and fingers carressed it to clear the droplets of condensation, seeming to hug the crystal like bees protecting their hive.

I felt dizzy with the heat burning through my throat. The warmth flowing through, gave a much different sensation than the heat of the weather. It had the opposite effect of relieving uncomfortable body by numbing the senses. The mouth was awashed in tannin, the touch was dulled, the sight was blurred, the smell was sweet, and the mind slowly less noised.

I felt dizzy with pop of the bottle, corked on too tight or rather, or I had lost my strength. The sloshing of the liquid provided some music to the ears, drowning the consistant noises driving my head senseless. As the drops continued to fill the glass, the clear crystal was vibrating in resonance to the pour, amplifying the drips that drowned the noises.

I felt dizzy looking at the computer screen, trying to follow Facebook instructions while sipping on the crystal. Numbered from 1 to 9, I followed through 1. And then 2, and 5 and 3 and 7....Hold on! A mouthful went through my throat again, and repeated the steps. Some noises came again, and yet again, drowned by the sounds of gulps in my throat. The pounding of the esophagus on the walls of my chest provided was like the hammering of piles, deafening the noises buzzing my head.

I felt dizzy standing up and felt the world shifted sideways. A step forward seemed like a step backwards, a step up seemed like a step to the left. There were no more noises in my head. It was magical. I knew I had to lie down, and when my senses were not totally numbed, oral hygiene came to mind, and washed the emptied glass.

I felt dizzy as I laid on bed, murmuring forgotten phrases. The warmth of the blanket provided much needed comfort from the cold air blasting out from the air cond.

I felt dizzy when woke up with a slight headache. I felt dizzy thinking about what happened.

I no longer felt dizzy realizing that it was a reckless act. Feeling dizzy, can be remedied by other methods. Temporary cures would not have been needed had there been prevention measures.

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